Dudu Osun Soap Review

Dudu Osun Soap Review – Is It The Right Soap For You?

The Dudu Osun Black Soap needs no introduction as it’s a very popular soap in Nigeria, West Africa and worldwide. This black soap has been around for years and has gradually passed through many stages of rebranding and improvement.  

There are so many reviews of this soap online that it needs clarification about whether to use it. Some people said it makes their skin flawless and regard it as their “holy grail soap,” while others said it ruins their skin.

That being said, take this dudu osun soap review as full detailed information of everything you need to know about this soap. At the end, you’ll determine if it’s the right soap for your skin.

About Dudu Osun Soap

The Dudu Osun Soap is a black soap made in Nigeria by Tropical Naturals. They once started as a small home business but grew over the years to a franchise business because of the popularity this soap is getting. And the good thing about this soap is that it’s dermatologically tested, so you’re sure you aren’t putting harmful ingredients on your skin.

The company is into other skincare products like their moisturizing lotion made with shea butter and camwood and a solo shea butter that comes with and without fragrance.

On June 2021, Tropical Natural rebranded the packaging of Dudu Osun soap. Many didn’t know about this, so they get confused when they see the different designs of this soap in the market. The former design is no longer in the market, so if someone tries to sell it to you in the market, run!

Below are pictures of the former and present Dudu Osun designs.

Different Types of Dudu Osun Soap

Dudu Osun Soap now comes in three types. They are:

  1. Dudu Osun Black Soap Classic Fragrance (The original signature scent)
  2. Dudu Osun Black Soap Fresh Fragrance (A new scent different from the original scent)
  3. Dudu Osun Black Soap Fragrance-Free (It has no scent)

Is Dudu Osun a Good Soap?

Dudu Osun soap is a decent soap that helps clean, smooth and maintain the skin tone, although it dries out the skin just like every black soap. It’s a traditional yet dermatologically tested soap that helps treat skin problems such as eczema, skin irritation, body acne and even minor psoriasis, thanks to palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash and camwood powder. While this soap has its good side, it also has its bad side.

So please read this review completely to understand everything you need to know about this soap before purchasing it.

What Is the Colour of Dudu Osun Soap?

It is black in color.

Is Dudu-Osun the Same With Black Soap?

Dudu Osun is a black soap that has been mixed with other natural ingredients, so it’s not the same as a ‘pure or undiluted’ black soap that hasn’t been mixed with other ingredients.

This usually confuses many people because this soap has ‘black soap’ written on its packaging. Well, it is indeed black soap that has other beneficial ingredients added to it (which is also a good thing). Thus, it’s no more in its undiluted form. In general, pure black soap contains mostly and only ashes from plantain skins or palm bunch ashes, banana leaves and skins, cocoa pods or palm leaves, but Dudu Osun contains more than these ingredients.

In fact, this soap derives its name ‘Osun’ from one of its ingredients: Camwood. In Yoruba, ‘Osun’ means camwood or African Sandalwood.

Usually, a pure black soap that hasn’t been undiluted or mixed with other ingredients is ‘grey black’ in color. You can use this type of black soap as a base black soap in making any black soap mixed with your other desired ingredients that benefit your skin.

I hope the explanation above didn’t confuse you . if it does, comment below with your questions and I will try to explain it further.

Is Dudu-Osun Soap Good for the Face?

Some people might get away with using this soap on their face without issue, while for others, it might make their face rough or cause a breakout, especially if you have sensitive skin.

If you’ve been using this soap on the face without any issues, you can keep using it, but if you’re new to it and want to use it, be sure your face is not sensitive because its ingredients can be too harsh for the face.

If you’re not sure if you have sensitive skin on the face, please don’t risk it by using it on the face; there are many face soaps and facial cleansers out there that are gentle on the face.

Can Dudu Osun Clear Pimples?

It might clear simple to minor pimples for those with normal skin type, but for those with sensitive skin, it can cause more pimples as it can be too harsh for them. The palm bunch ash in this soap is a potent acne or pimple-fighting ingredient. It helps to control sebum production, reduces inflammation and fights bacteria. While it’s a good traditional ingredient known to treat acne for years, not every skin can tolerate how potent it is. This is why some people break out more or have rough faces instead of getting the opposite.

This is why I advise you should opt for another gentle face cleaner that fights acne, especially if you have a sensitive face. If you still want to use this soap on your face, below is the best way to use it.

How to Use Dudu Osun Black Soap on Face?

  1. First, wash your hands to ensure your hands are clean.
  2. Wet your face with water.
  3. Then wet the soap and rub it on your palm.
  4. Make a lathering foam on your palm.
  5. Do not rub the soap directly on your face. Instead, use the lather foam you made with your palm on your face.
  6. Rub it on your face for one minute and wash it off immediately.
  7. Please do not leave it for more than one minute on your face, or else you will start feeling a stinging or burning sensation on your face.
  8. Follow up immediately with a hydrating toner and a moisturizing face cream to prevent tight, dry skin.
  9. Use sunscreen in the morning.

Note: Before you use it directly on your face, make a patch test on your neck or arm to be sure you’re not reacting to any ingredients in it. When you use it on your skin, PLEASE monitor it closely; if you start noticing any skin reaction, pimple or roughness, discontinue using it immediately. 

Does Dudu Osun Clear Dark Spots From the Face?

Dudu Osun can clear a simple dark spot from your face because it contains lemon, lime juice and aloe vera. However, as I explained above, be cautious of using it on your face as it can be too harsh for the face.

Does Dudu Osun Clear Dark Spots on the Leg?

Yes, when used for a long time Dudu Osun can perfectly clear dark spots on your leg because of the lemon juice, lime juice, aloe vera and camwood wood, which are known for clearing skin hyperpigmentation.

Does Dudu-Osun Lighten Skin?

Dudu Osun does not lighten the skin but only tones and brightens the skin. And you will only notice a visible difference in your skin tone if you use it for a long time.

How to Use Dudu Osun to Lighten Skin

To lighten your skin with Dudu Osun, use it morning and night consistently on your body and use a toning lotion after each use. Use a moisturizing body oil to keep your skin glowing, exfoliate your skin twice a week and use sunscreen daily in the morning.

If you’re dark in complexion, use any of these toning lotions with it, while for fair skin, check out these toning lotions.

How Many Days Does It Take Dudu-Osun to Work?

It takes about two weeks to one month to see a visible effect of Dudu Osun on the skin. However, this also depends on how consistently you use it, your skin type and how quickly it reacts to products.

Does Dudu Osun Darken the Skin?

No, Dudu Osun doesn’t darken the skin; instead, it maintains your skin color. If your skin complexion is getting dark when using this soap, then it’s possible that it’s reversing your skin color back to its natural state. So, if you have used skin whitening or bleaching ingredients to whiten your skin before, you might experience this.

Can Dudu Osun Clear Stretch Marks?

No, Dudu Osun Black soap does not clear stretch marks.

Is Dudu Osun for All Skin Types?

Yes, Dudu Osun is for all skin types. Both light, fair, caramel or dark skin tone can use it.

Is Dudu-Osun Black Soap Natural?

Yes, it is a natural soap with no preservatives, degradable or artificial colors in it. All the ingredients are made with traditional African ingredients.

Does Dudu Osun Have Glycerin?

No, Dudu Osun does not contain glycerin.

Dudu Osun Black Soap Ingredients

  • Palm Kernel oil
  • Cocoa pod ash
  • palm bunch ash
  • shea butter
  • lime juice
  • Honey
  • Whole leaf Aloe vera
  • Camwood powder
  • perfume
  • lemon Juice
  • Water

All three variants of Dudu Osun soap are made with the same ingredients except the fragrance-free one, which has no perfume.

Is Dudu Osun a Medicated Soap?

No, it’s not a medicated soap.

Can I Use Dudu Osun to Wash My Hair?

Yes, you can use Dudu Osun to wash your hair; aside from perfume, all the ingredients used in making Dudu Osun are good for your hair. However, moisturize your hair after washing to prevent dry hair and restore moisture.

What Are the Benefits of Dudu Osun African Black Soap?

  • Cleans and smooths the skin properly.
  • When used consistently, it can help tone the skin complexion of those with uneven skin tone.
  • The camwood in it helps with skin eczema.
  • It can help with psoriasis.
  • The palm bunch ash in it can help clear mild acne in some people with normal and combination skin types.
  • Helps clear dark spots.
  • The palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash, and shea butter in it can help maintain youthful skin.
  • It can be used to wash the hair.

Dudu Osun Soap Side Effects or Disadvantages

  • It can dry out the skin. So it’s best to use your moisturizer immediately after you step out of the bathroom.
  • If you have extremely dry skin, using this soap might lead to eczema instead of curing it.
  • Using it on sensitive skin on the face can cause breakouts and a burning sensation.
  • Some people naturally react to all-black soap, including Dudu Osun soap.

How Many Grams Is Dudu Osun Soap?


Can I Use Dudu Osun to Bathe My Baby?

Yes, you can use Dudu Osun on babies above six months. It’s best to use the Dudu Osun Black Soap Fragrance-Free variant to prevent any possible skin irritation that perfume may cause because most baby skin can’t handle soap with perfume on it.

Can White People Use Dudu Osun?

Yes, Dudu Osun can be used by all skin colors and races.

How to Know Original Dudu Osun Soap

The original Dudu Osun black soap comes with a stretch panel that contains an SMS code that you can verify here on their website or send to 38353 to verify its authenticity for those living in Nigeria. If you live outside Nigeria, you can verify this code on the Dudu Osun site, or check it on the Sproxil website or the Sproxil mobile App.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, the packaging of this soap has changed; anyone selling the old packaging to you is selling a fake one, even if it contains a stretch panel because the company no longer produces the old packaging.

How Much Is Dudu Osun in Nigeria?

A single bar of Dudu Osun soap costs ₦700, while a bundle pack of 6 costs ₦4000. Although this depends on the location you’re buying it from.

Where to Buy Dudu Osun in Nigeria?

You can find Dudu Osun in any cosmetic store in Nigeria because it’s a popular soap. You can also get it on Jumia.

How Much Is Dudu Osun Outside Nigeria?

There’s no stable price, as the price can vary depending on the seller’s choice or the country you’re staying in.

Where to Buy Dudu Osun Soap Outside Nigeria?

You can buy Dudu Osun abroad or outside Nigeria by calling or contacting the company’s authentic distributors in your country. You can also purchase it from Amazon.

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